Drama Genre:
Conventions of drama genre are discussed under my blog: https://emaanansari.blogspot.com/2019/12/research-conventions-of-drama-genre.html
Horror Genre:
A horror film is a film that is made to be unsettling as it has a purpose to scare audience. Some examples of horror movies are Annabelle, Cabin in the woods and It.
Camera Angles:
- Extreme close ups in order to emphasize the facial expressions of the victim.
- Tilt in order to create disorientation
- Establishing shot to highlight the location
- Handheld in order to look realistic
- Tracking to follow character's footsteps
- Point of view so the audience feels as if they are the characters so they can relate while watching the film and feel the fear.
Horror films often use quite dramatic music or sounds effects in order to empathize when something is going to happen. For example if there's a creek in the floor boards it will be extremely loud to create a suspense of fear towards the audience. Secondly the music is often very dramatic and the sound will become louder when a substantial event is going to happen. Usually piano is used for background music to add uneasiness and fear.
Mise en scene:
A horror film often includes props such as weapons as they have an association with death. These include; knifes, chainsaws, axe's. However all the weapons included are those which inflict slow and torturous pain. Also these weapons often create more blood with is also a connotation of a horror film. Therefore a weapon like a gun isn't usually included. For example the film 'Texas Chainsaw' the deaths are caused by the chainsaw as its a slow painful death. Conventionally, the lighting is usually dull and dark, the location includes minimal amount of people which is generally a dark area. Costumes of the character also tend to be dull. However, some movies such as Midsommar follow unconventional ways such as using bright lighting and clothing, with ordinary locations to create a unique horror movie.
Pace: The pace used in horror films is often fast, this is to build tension. It also creates a sense of urgency for viewers. Fast pace editing also disorientates the audience so that they feel uneasy. However this is mixed with one or two scenes with slow paced editing. This is as it draws in the audience and gives them a sense of security before scaring them.
Editing techniques:
Editing techniques:
- Cut away - to show characters reaction to the situations they are facing.
- Jump cut - allowing passage of time to show whilst also sometimes using it to scare the audience,
- Fade to black - Gives a mysterious and tense feeling
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