Monday, April 20, 2020

Editing Techniques

  • Continuity: Continuity editing is the process, in film and video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different components cut from a single shot, into a sequence to direct the viewer's attention to a pre-existing consistency of story across both time and physical location.
  • Non continuity: Non-continuity editing is when shots are mismatched to disrupt the impression of time and space. This draws the audiences' attention to the process of cutting and disturbs the illusion of 'reality'. An example is the use of flash backs.
  • Parallel Editing: Parallel editing (cross cutting) is the technique of alternating two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations.
  • Intercut: An intercut is a type of edit where two or more actions in distinct locations are edited together into one scene.
  • Jumpcut: A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time.
  • Cutaway: In film and video, a cutaway is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually followed by a cut back to the first shot.
  • Action match: matching on action refers to film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action. A common example is a man walking up to a door and reaching for the knob.
  • Eyeline match: An eyeline match is a film editing technique associated with the continuity editing system. It is based on the premise that an audience will want to see what the character on-screen is seeing.
  • Graphic match: occurs when the shapes, colors and/or overall movement of two shots match in composition, either within a scene or, especially, across a transition between two scenes. 

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Editing Techniques

Continuity:  Continuity editing  is the process, in film and video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different compon...