Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Key Media Concepts


Institutions are the organizations and people whose operational processes and practices enable or constrain moving-image media production and use. Without institutions, there would be no media. They include Hollywood as a global media industry, the British film and television industries, the video games industry, the newspaper industry, individuals making media products on computers at home, and thousands of others around the world.
In Media studies, it is also important to consider the company or organisation that produce or broadcast the media texts that we receive. Different media institutions have different aims and visions and they often have different audiences or compete with each other for the same audience. Some media institutions are huge and they own lots of different media forms; Rupert Murdoch owns a company called ‘News Corp International’ which owns Sky TV, The Sun newspaper, The Times newspaper, FOX TV and 20th Century Fox films. 

Media Language

Media language is the way in which the meaning of a media text is conveyed to the audience.One of the ways Media Language works is to convey meaning through signs and symbols organised through codes and conventions to create meaning in moving-image media production and use. Media languages are the elements that form the building blocks of communication. These include rules, sometimes called codes, relating to the technical, symbolic and narrative aspects of media.Technical codes include shot types, camera angles, framing and composition, editing style, the use of various fonts and elements of sound. Symbolic codes are elements such as body language, facial expression, props and costumes, location design, dialogue and lighting. Narrative codes are the story based elements relating to the story, plot, character, setting and theme. All media products can be deconstructed to identify how various elements come together to communicate a message.


Representations are constructions of people, places, events, ideas, and emotions that are applied to create meaning in moving-image media production and use.Media representations relate to the ways in which people, places, ideas, emotions and beliefs are portrayed in media and popular culture. Media products are selective constructions of the real world, not the real world itself. All media representations are the product of someone's point of view or perspective and reflect competing beliefs and biases in society. 


Audiences are individuals and groups of people for whom moving-image products are made, and who make meanings when they use these products.
Media audiences are the people media products are produced for. Audiences use media products in many ways, often not intended by the producers. While media products are sometimes perfectly directed towards their target audience, many fail because they are simply rejected by the audience. An example of this is advertising. We know now we are being manipulated, and don't buy every product advertised.Increasingly, media audiences now too, are becoming producers of media themselves, through digital content, such as websites, blogs, myspace, and other digital forums. 
Audiences have a complex relationship with the products they consume. Media producers intend audiences to read their product in a certain way, but in actual fact everyone 'reads' and enjoys a product differently due to the individual's background and lifestyle. Media audiences may be consuming different types of media at any one time (such as listening to an iPod, watching TV, chatting on the Internet) and be engaging at different levels – for example, the television may be turned on whilst a family has dinner. Media consumers are organised into identified groups (based on such things as lifestyle or earning power) by producers, broadcasters, and advertisers who can then target consumers.

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