Sunday, December 8, 2019

Risk Assessment & Preliminary Exercises

Risk Assessment:

Risk 1: Risk of camera lens being too near the lit stove during the close up shot. To avoid this problem, I'll make sure to film the shot from a safe distance. 
Risk 2: Risk of camera falling from inside the cabinet. However, a supporting item will be adjusted to prevent the camera from falling. 
Risk 3: For a one scene, a character will be walking on the road. If the road has too many cars passing by, it will slow down the filming. However, to prevent facing such a problem, I will be filming on weekend, instead of on a weekday and I'll make sure to film during timing when there are few cars passing by. Filming will also be done on the side of the road to avoid accidents and also to make sure the cars are not being interrupted and neither is the actress.  
Risk 4: Risk of handling the teapot and the tea cup. However, I'll be using light material teapot and cups and will make sure that the teapot is not actually filled with hot water. 

Preliminary Exercise

Match on action: Actors walking, sitting on the floor.
Continuity: Actor opening the cabinet, searching inside, then closing the cabinet.
Equipment: Nikon D3400 for filming along with the help of tripod and gorilla pod. For editing, Adobe Premiere Pro.

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Editing Techniques

Continuity:  Continuity editing  is the process, in film and video creation, of combining more-or-less related shots, or different compon...