Saturday, December 7, 2019

Research- Target Audience

Identifying Audience According To Demographic & Psychographic Factors

Due to the broadness of drama films, the target audience may vary by sub-genre. Drama films usually try to appeal more emotions. Often, drama films are made to appeal directly to the female audience.
After researching into other drama films, I found the common audience for ones concerning conflict in with society and themselves are people mostly belonging from middle-class or lower-class. Themes such as not fitting in a society and not being able to cope up with it tends to be empathized more to by lower-class as they can relate better than upper class. My film focuses on the past trauma faced by three helpless people that effects the characters' present lives. My target audience will be females and males aged 15-40 from middle/lower-class. Despite the film having two main female characters, it will also have a male character, along with some aspects to which the male audience can relate to, so I will be using the male gaze to attract the male audience. 

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